Colwin Way
Another great and entertaining evening with one of our favourite demonstrators Colwin Way.
Colwin demonstrated the turning of what is known as a Wobble bowl, the bowl has no function as such and is just a novelty item that wobbles when you poke at it !!
Shaping up.
The blank ( which has a high moisture content ) was mounted on expanding jaws in a hole that was pre-drilled, basic turning to the round.
The outside
Turning and shaping of the outside.
Shaping the base
The bottom turned with a gripping surface to fit the "c" jaws of a chuck.
Turning the inside.
Turned and remounted Colwin proceeded to turn the inside.
Hollowing out.
Sorry about the quality of the next photographs !
It is to show the angles used with the bowl gouge starting with the "open" tool approach.
Angle change
Moving around to the centre and turning the gouge to the "closed" position,
A negative rake round nosed scraper was used to bring the inside to a sand ready finish.
Note the thin wall !
Colwin went through the sanding grades to finish the bowl combined with a wax when reaching the finer grades.The base was finished on a chuck mounted sanding disc.
Sanding friction dome.
This was made to fit the inside of the bowl and was mounted on the chuck with the use of some paper towel and the tail stock was brought up for support.
Upside down.
The completed bottom of the wobble bowl.
Second vessel turned from dry blank.
Colwin moved on and turned a goblet from dry spalted wood he turned this with a very thin wall.
Completed goblet
Sanded and waxed the completed goblet.
Some of Colwins bowl gouges to show the grinding angles.
Pendent .
Colwins final demonstration was a off centre Pendent turned from a pre made mixture of wood and resin, it was mounted in the chuck by means of a square block pre-glued to one side.
Turning the pendent.
Messy job turning resin !!
Re mounting
The pendent was turned around and mounted in home made wooden jaws.
Mounted centrally.
The pendent was then tuned around and the square mounting block turned away, sanded and waxed.
Off set drilling.
This is the home made off centre wooden jaws that Colwin had made to drill and finish the off centre hole.
Off set.
The completed off set hole that was first drilled out and then finished with a gouge to a gentle taper.
All done.
The completed pendent polished to a high standard.
A good turn out !
Colwin always attracts a good following and tonight was no exception with over 70 members attending.
The man
Thank you Colwin for another great demonstration.
And thanks to John Bainbridge for the camera work.